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“Deep Dive into Go Packages”

Level: Intermediate

Author: Mike Van Sickle

From its very beginning, Go has embraced simplicity as a core ideal to aspire to. However, just because a thing is simple, does not mean that it must compromise its effectiveness. Go’s package system illustrates this point well. This system provides a simple way to organize source code into clear, well-factored units while remaining powerful enough to handle the most challenging organizational requirements. In this course, you will dig into the package system. You will learn about the components of a package and how to use them to ensure that the package remains well organized and can be easily consumed by other parts of your application. You will start by learning about the internal mechanisms of a package and how to use them to ensure that a package is ready to be used. Next, you’ll zoom out and learn how to create packages that can easily be consumed by others. Finally, you will learn about the options that are available for consuming external packages. When you’re finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of packages needed to create applications that are well organized and easily maintained over time.

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